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/******************************************************************//******************************************************************//*======Analysed by RuiDong Fang======Csdn Blog:http://blog.csdn.net/frd2009041510======Date:2016.03.07 *//******************************************************************//******************************************************************//************====== 主函数 ======************//*功能:主要调用了两个函数:parse()和encode()。      main()首先调用parse()解析输入的命令行参数,然后调用encode()进行编码。*/int main( int argc, char **argv ){    x264_param_t param;	//参数集    cli_opt_t opt = {0};    int ret = 0;    FAIL_IF_ERROR( x264_threading_init(), "unable to initialize threading\n" )#ifdef _WIN32    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !get_argv_utf8( &argc, &argv ), "unable to convert command line to UTF-8\n" )    GetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title, CONSOLE_TITLE_SIZE );    _setmode( _fileno( stdin ),  _O_BINARY );    _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY );    _setmode( _fileno( stderr ), _O_BINARY );#endif    /* Parse command line */    if( parse( argc, argv, ¶m, &opt ) < 0 )	///解析命令行输入,调用parse()        ret = -1;#ifdef _WIN32    /* Restore title; it can be changed by input modules */    SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );#endif    /* Control-C handler */    signal( SIGINT, sigint_handler );    if( !ret )        ret = encode( ¶m, &opt );	///编码,调用encode()    /* clean up handles */    if( filter.free )        filter.free( opt.hin );    else if( opt.hin )        cli_input.close_file( opt.hin );    if( opt.hout )        cli_output.close_file( opt.hout, 0, 0 );    if( opt.tcfile_out )        fclose( opt.tcfile_out );    if( opt.qpfile )        fclose( opt.qpfile );#ifdef _WIN32    SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );    free( argv );#endif    return ret;}



/************====== 解析函数 ======************//*功能:parse()解析输入的命令行参数,存储于argv[]中*/static int parse( int argc, char **argv, x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt ){    char *input_filename = NULL;    const char *demuxer = demuxer_names[0];    char *output_filename = NULL;    const char *muxer = muxer_names[0];    char *tcfile_name = NULL;    x264_param_t defaults;	//默认值设为x264_param_t结构体    char *profile = NULL;    char *vid_filters = NULL;    int b_thread_input = 0;    int b_turbo = 1;    int b_user_ref = 0;    int b_user_fps = 0;    int b_user_interlaced = 0;    cli_input_opt_t input_opt;    cli_output_opt_t output_opt;    char *preset = NULL;    char *tune = NULL;	//x264_param_default()是一个x264的API,调用x264_param_default()为保存参数的x264_param_t结构体赋默认值    x264_param_default( &defaults );	///初始化参数默认值    cli_log_level = defaults.i_log_level;    memset( &input_opt, 0, sizeof(cli_input_opt_t) );    memset( &output_opt, 0, sizeof(cli_output_opt_t) );    input_opt.bit_depth = 8;    input_opt.input_range = input_opt.output_range = param->vui.b_fullrange = RANGE_AUTO;    int output_csp = defaults.i_csp;    opt->b_progress = 1;    /* Presets are applied before all other options. */    for( optind = 0;; )    {        //通过getopt_long()解析通过命令行传递来的存储在argv[]中的参数,并作相应的设置工作		int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL );	///getopt_long()        if( c == -1 )            break;        if( c == OPT_PRESET )            preset = optarg;        if( c == OPT_TUNE )            tune = optarg;        else if( c == '?' )            return -1;    }    if( preset && !strcasecmp( preset, "placebo" ) )        b_turbo = 0;	//x264_param_default_preset()是一个libx264的API,用于设置x264的preset和tune。    if( x264_param_default_preset( param, preset, tune ) < 0 )	//设置preset、tune        return -1;    /* Parse command line options */	//解析命令行选项    for( optind = 0;; )    {        int b_error = 0;        int long_options_index = -1;        int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &long_options_index );        if( c == -1 )        {            break;        }		//不同的选项做不同的处理        switch( c )        {            //"-h"帮助菜单			case 'h':                help( &defaults, 0 );	                exit(0);            case OPT_LONGHELP:                help( &defaults, 1 );                exit(0);            case OPT_FULLHELP:                help( &defaults, 2 );                exit(0);			//"-V"打印版本信息            case 'V':                print_version_info();	                exit(0);            case OPT_FRAMES:                param->i_frame_total = X264_MAX( atoi( optarg ), 0 );                break;            case OPT_SEEK:                opt->i_seek = X264_MAX( atoi( optarg ), 0 );                break;			//"-o"输出文件路径            case 'o':                output_filename = optarg;	                break;            case OPT_MUXER:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_name( optarg, muxer_names, &muxer ), "Unknown muxer `%s'\n", optarg )                break;            case OPT_DEMUXER:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_name( optarg, demuxer_names, &demuxer ), "Unknown demuxer `%s'\n", optarg )                break;            case OPT_INDEX:                input_opt.index_file = optarg;                break;            case OPT_QPFILE:                opt->qpfile = x264_fopen( optarg, "rb" );                FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->qpfile, "can't open qpfile `%s'\n", optarg )                if( !x264_is_regular_file( opt->qpfile ) )                {                    x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "qpfile incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", optarg );                    fclose( opt->qpfile );                    return -1;                }                break;            case OPT_THREAD_INPUT:                b_thread_input = 1;                break;            case OPT_QUIET:                cli_log_level = param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_NONE;	//设置log级别                break;						//"-v"            case 'v':                cli_log_level = param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;	//设置log级别                break;            case OPT_LOG_LEVEL:                if( !parse_enum_value( optarg, log_level_names, &cli_log_level ) )                    cli_log_level += X264_LOG_NONE;                else                    cli_log_level = atoi( optarg );                param->i_log_level = cli_log_level;	//设置log级别                break;            case OPT_NOPROGRESS:                opt->b_progress = 0;                break;            case OPT_TUNE:            case OPT_PRESET:                break;            case OPT_PROFILE:                profile = optarg;                break;            case OPT_SLOWFIRSTPASS:                b_turbo = 0;                break;            //"-r"			case 'r':                b_user_ref = 1;                goto generic_option;            case OPT_FPS:                b_user_fps = 1;                param->b_vfr_input = 0;                goto generic_option;            case OPT_INTERLACED:                b_user_interlaced = 1;                goto generic_option;            case OPT_TCFILE_IN:                tcfile_name = optarg;                break;            case OPT_TCFILE_OUT:                opt->tcfile_out = x264_fopen( optarg, "wb" );                FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->tcfile_out, "can't open `%s'\n", optarg )                break;            case OPT_TIMEBASE:                input_opt.timebase = optarg;                break;            case OPT_PULLDOWN:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, pulldown_names, &opt->i_pulldown ), "Unknown pulldown `%s'\n", optarg )                break;            case OPT_VIDEO_FILTER:                vid_filters = optarg;                break;            case OPT_INPUT_FMT:                input_opt.format = optarg;	//输入文件格式                break;            case OPT_INPUT_RES:                input_opt.resolution = optarg;	//输入分辨率                break;            case OPT_INPUT_CSP:                input_opt.colorspace = optarg;	//输入色域                break;            case OPT_INPUT_DEPTH:                input_opt.bit_depth = atoi( optarg );	//输入颜色位深                break;            case OPT_DTS_COMPRESSION:                output_opt.use_dts_compress = 1;                break;            case OPT_OUTPUT_CSP:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, output_csp_names, &output_csp ), "Unknown output csp `%s'\n", optarg )                // correct the parsed value to the libx264 csp value#if X264_CHROMA_FORMAT                static const uint8_t output_csp_fix[] = { X264_CHROMA_FORMAT, X264_CSP_RGB };#else                static const uint8_t output_csp_fix[] = { X264_CSP_I420, X264_CSP_I422, X264_CSP_I444, X264_CSP_RGB };#endif                param->i_csp = output_csp = output_csp_fix[output_csp];                break;            case OPT_INPUT_RANGE:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, range_names, &input_opt.input_range ), "Unknown input range `%s'\n", optarg )                input_opt.input_range += RANGE_AUTO;                break;            case OPT_RANGE:                FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, range_names, ¶m->vui.b_fullrange ), "Unknown range `%s'\n", optarg );                input_opt.output_range = param->vui.b_fullrange += RANGE_AUTO;                break;            default:generic_option:            {                if( long_options_index < 0 )                {                    for( int i = 0; long_options[i].name; i++ )                        if( long_options[i].val == c )                        {                            long_options_index = i;                            break;                        }                    if( long_options_index < 0 )                    {                        /* getopt_long already printed an error message */                        return -1;                    }                }				//解析以字符串方式输入的参数                  //即选项名称和选项值都是字符串				//实质就是通过strcmp()方法                b_error |= x264_param_parse( param, long_options[long_options_index].name, optarg );	///x264_param_parse()            }        }        if( b_error )        {            const char *name = long_options_index > 0 ? long_options[long_options_index].name : argv[optind-2];            x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "invalid argument: %s = %s\n", name, optarg );            return -1;        }    }    /* If first pass mode is used, apply faster settings. */    if( b_turbo )        x264_param_apply_fastfirstpass( param );    /* Apply profile restrictions. */	//x264_param_apply_profile()是一个x264的API,该函数用于设置x264的profile.    if( x264_param_apply_profile( param, profile ) < 0 )	///设置profile        return -1;    /* Get the file name */    FAIL_IF_ERROR( optind > argc - 1 || !output_filename, "No %s file. Run x264 --help for a list of options.\n",                   optind > argc - 1 ? "input" : "output" )		//根据文件名的后缀确定输出的文件格式(raw H264,flv,mp4...)    if( select_output( muxer, output_filename, param ) )	///select_output()        return -1;    FAIL_IF_ERROR( cli_output.open_file( output_filename, &opt->hout, &output_opt ), "could not open output file `%s'\n", output_filename )		//输入文件路径    input_filename = argv[optind++];    video_info_t info = {0};    char demuxername[5];    /* set info flags to be overwritten by demuxer as necessary. */	//设置info结构体    info.csp        = param->i_csp;    info.fps_num    = param->i_fps_num;    info.fps_den    = param->i_fps_den;    info.fullrange  = input_opt.input_range == RANGE_PC;    info.interlaced = param->b_interlaced;    if( param->vui.i_sar_width > 0 && param->vui.i_sar_height > 0 )    {        info.sar_width  = param->vui.i_sar_width;        info.sar_height = param->vui.i_sar_height;    }    info.tff        = param->b_tff;    info.vfr        = param->b_vfr_input;    input_opt.seek = opt->i_seek;    input_opt.progress = opt->b_progress;    input_opt.output_csp = output_csp;	//设置输入文件的格式(yuv,y4m...)    if( select_input( demuxer, demuxername, input_filename, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ) )	///select_input()        return -1;    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->hin && cli_input.open_file( input_filename, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ),                   "could not open input file `%s'\n", input_filename )    x264_reduce_fraction( &info.sar_width, &info.sar_height );    x264_reduce_fraction( &info.fps_num, &info.fps_den );    x264_cli_log( demuxername, X264_LOG_INFO, "%dx%d%c %u:%u @ %u/%u fps (%cfr)\n", info.width,                  info.height, info.interlaced ? 'i' : 'p', info.sar_width, info.sar_height,                  info.fps_num, info.fps_den, info.vfr ? 'v' : 'c' );    if( tcfile_name )    {        FAIL_IF_ERROR( b_user_fps, "--fps + --tcfile-in is incompatible.\n" )        FAIL_IF_ERROR( timecode_input.open_file( tcfile_name, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ), "timecode input failed\n" )        cli_input = timecode_input;    }    else FAIL_IF_ERROR( !info.vfr && input_opt.timebase, "--timebase is incompatible with cfr input\n" )    /* init threaded input while the information about the input video is unaltered by filtering */#if HAVE_THREAD    if( info.thread_safe && (b_thread_input || param->i_threads > 1        || (param->i_threads == X264_THREADS_AUTO && x264_cpu_num_processors() > 1)) )    {        if( thread_input.open_file( NULL, &opt->hin, &info, NULL ) )        {            fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: threaded input failed\n" );            return -1;        }        cli_input = thread_input;    }#endif    /* override detected values by those specified by the user */    if( param->vui.i_sar_width > 0 && param->vui.i_sar_height > 0 )    {        info.sar_width  = param->vui.i_sar_width;        info.sar_height = param->vui.i_sar_height;    }    if( b_user_fps )    {        info.fps_num = param->i_fps_num;        info.fps_den = param->i_fps_den;    }    if( !info.vfr )    {        info.timebase_num = info.fps_den;        info.timebase_den = info.fps_num;    }    if( !tcfile_name && input_opt.timebase )    {        uint64_t i_user_timebase_num;        uint64_t i_user_timebase_den;        int ret = sscanf( input_opt.timebase, "%"SCNu64"/%"SCNu64, &i_user_timebase_num, &i_user_timebase_den );        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !ret, "invalid argument: timebase = %s\n", input_opt.timebase )        else if( ret == 1 )        {            i_user_timebase_num = info.timebase_num;            i_user_timebase_den = strtoul( input_opt.timebase, NULL, 10 );        }        FAIL_IF_ERROR( i_user_timebase_num > UINT32_MAX || i_user_timebase_den > UINT32_MAX,                       "timebase you specified exceeds H.264 maximum\n" )        opt->timebase_convert_multiplier = ((double)i_user_timebase_den / info.timebase_den)                                         * ((double)info.timebase_num / i_user_timebase_num);        info.timebase_num = i_user_timebase_num;        info.timebase_den = i_user_timebase_den;        info.vfr = 1;    }    if( b_user_interlaced )    {        info.interlaced = param->b_interlaced;        info.tff = param->b_tff;    }    if( input_opt.input_range != RANGE_AUTO )        info.fullrange = input_opt.input_range;	//初始化滤镜filter      //filter可以认为是一种“扩展”了的输入源    if( init_vid_filters( vid_filters, &opt->hin, &info, param, output_csp ) )        return -1;    /* set param flags from the post-filtered video */    param->b_vfr_input = info.vfr;    param->i_fps_num = info.fps_num;    param->i_fps_den = info.fps_den;    param->i_timebase_num = info.timebase_num;    param->i_timebase_den = info.timebase_den;    param->vui.i_sar_width  = info.sar_width;    param->vui.i_sar_height = info.sar_height;    info.num_frames = X264_MAX( info.num_frames - opt->i_seek, 0 );    if( (!info.num_frames || param->i_frame_total < info.num_frames)        && param->i_frame_total > 0 )        info.num_frames = param->i_frame_total;    param->i_frame_total = info.num_frames;    if( !b_user_interlaced && info.interlaced )    {#if HAVE_INTERLACED        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "input appears to be interlaced, enabling %cff interlaced mode.\n"                      "                If you want otherwise, use --no-interlaced or --%cff\n",                      info.tff ? 't' : 'b', info.tff ? 'b' : 't' );        param->b_interlaced = 1;        param->b_tff = !!info.tff;#else        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "input appears to be interlaced, but not compiled with interlaced support\n" );#endif    }    /* if the user never specified the output range and the input is now rgb, default it to pc */    int csp = param->i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK;    if( csp >= X264_CSP_BGR && csp <= X264_CSP_RGB )    {        if( input_opt.output_range == RANGE_AUTO )            param->vui.b_fullrange = RANGE_PC;        /* otherwise fail if they specified tv */        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !param->vui.b_fullrange, "RGB must be PC range" )    }    /* Automatically reduce reference frame count to match the user's target level     * if the user didn't explicitly set a reference frame count. */    if( !b_user_ref )    {        int mbs = (((param->i_width)+15)>>4) * (((param->i_height)+15)>>4);        for( int i = 0; x264_levels[i].level_idc != 0; i++ )            if( param->i_level_idc == x264_levels[i].level_idc )            {                while( mbs * param->i_frame_reference > x264_levels[i].dpb && param->i_frame_reference > 1 )                    param->i_frame_reference--;                break;            }    }    return 0;}



/************====== encode函数 ======************//*功能:编码(在内部有一个循环用于一帧一帧编码)*/static int encode( x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt ){    x264_t *h = NULL;    x264_picture_t pic;    cli_pic_t cli_pic;    const cli_pulldown_t *pulldown = NULL; // shut up gcc    int     i_frame = 0;    int     i_frame_output = 0;    int64_t i_end, i_previous = 0, i_start = 0;    int64_t i_file = 0;    int     i_frame_size;    int64_t last_dts = 0;    int64_t prev_dts = 0;    int64_t first_dts = 0;#   define  MAX_PTS_WARNING 3 /* arbitrary */    int     pts_warning_cnt = 0;    int64_t largest_pts = -1;    int64_t second_largest_pts = -1;    int64_t ticks_per_frame;    double  duration;    double  pulldown_pts = 0;    int     retval = 0;    opt->b_progress &= param->i_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG;    /* set up pulldown */    if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input )    {        param->b_pulldown = 1;        param->b_pic_struct = 1;        pulldown = &pulldown_values[opt->i_pulldown];        param->i_timebase_num = param->i_fps_den;        FAIL_IF_ERROR2( fmod( param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor, 1 ),                        "unsupported framerate for chosen pulldown\n" )        param->i_timebase_den = param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor;    }    h = x264_encoder_open( param );	/x264_encoder_open():打开编码器    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( !h, "x264_encoder_open failed\n" );	//获得参数    x264_encoder_parameters( h, param );	//一些不是裸流的封转格式(FLV,MP4等)需要一些参数,例如宽高等等      //cli_output_t是代表输出媒体文件的结构体    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( cli_output.set_param( opt->hout, param ), "can't set outfile param\n" );	//计时开始    i_start = x264_mdate();    /* ticks/frame = ticks/second / frames/second */    ticks_per_frame = (int64_t)param->i_timebase_den * param->i_fps_den / param->i_timebase_num / param->i_fps_num;    FAIL_IF_ERROR2( ticks_per_frame < 1 && !param->b_vfr_input, "ticks_per_frame invalid: %"PRId64"\n", ticks_per_frame )    ticks_per_frame = X264_MAX( ticks_per_frame, 1 );	//如果不是在每个keyframe前面都增加SPS/PPS/SEI的话,就在整个码流前面加SPS/PPS/SEI      //Header指的就是SPS/PPS/SEI    if( !param->b_repeat_headers )    {        // Write SPS/PPS/SEI        x264_nal_t *headers;        int i_nal;		//获得文件头(SPS、PPS、SEI)        FAIL_IF_ERROR2( x264_encoder_headers( h, &headers, &i_nal ) < 0, "x264_encoder_headers failed\n" )	/x264_encoder_headers():输出SPS,PPS,SEI等信息        		//把文件头写入输出文件		FAIL_IF_ERROR2( (i_file = cli_output.write_headers( opt->hout, headers )) < 0, "error writing headers to output file\n" );    }    if( opt->tcfile_out )        fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "# timecode format v2\n" );    /* Encode frames */	//循环进行编码    for( ; !b_ctrl_c && (i_frame < param->i_frame_total || !param->i_frame_total); i_frame++ )    {        //从输入源中获取1帧YUV数据,存于cli_pic          //cli_vid_filter_t可以认为是x264一种“扩展”后的输入源,可以在像素域对图像进行拉伸裁剪等工作。          //原本代表输入源的结构体是cli_input_t		if( filter.get_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )            break;		//初始化x264_picture_t结构体pic        x264_picture_init( &pic );		//cli_pic到pic        convert_cli_to_lib_pic( &pic, &cli_pic );        if( !param->b_vfr_input )            pic.i_pts = i_frame;        if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input )        {            pic.i_pic_struct = pulldown->pattern[ i_frame % pulldown->mod ];            pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pulldown_pts + 0.5 );            pulldown_pts += pulldown_frame_duration[pic.i_pic_struct];        }        else if( opt->timebase_convert_multiplier )            pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pic.i_pts * opt->timebase_convert_multiplier + 0.5 );        if( pic.i_pts <= largest_pts )        {            if( cli_log_level >= X264_LOG_DEBUG || pts_warning_cnt < MAX_PTS_WARNING )                x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "non-strictly-monotonic pts at frame %d (%"PRId64" <= %"PRId64")\n",                             i_frame, pic.i_pts, largest_pts );            else if( pts_warning_cnt == MAX_PTS_WARNING )                x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "too many nonmonotonic pts warnings, suppressing further ones\n" );            pts_warning_cnt++;            pic.i_pts = largest_pts + ticks_per_frame;        }        second_largest_pts = largest_pts;        largest_pts = pic.i_pts;        if( opt->tcfile_out )            fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "%.6f\n", pic.i_pts * ((double)param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den) * 1e3 );        if( opt->qpfile )            parse_qpfile( opt, &pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek );        prev_dts = last_dts;		//编码pic中存储的1帧YUV数据        i_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, &pic, &last_dts );	/encode_frame()        if( i_frame_size < 0 )        {            b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */            retval = -1;        }        else if( i_frame_size )        {            i_file += i_frame_size;            i_frame_output++;            if( i_frame_output == 1 )                first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;        }		//释放处理完的YUV数据        if( filter.release_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )            break;        /* update status line (up to 1000 times per input file) */        if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )            i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );    }    /* Flush delayed frames */	//输出编码器中剩余的帧      //x264_encoder_delayed_frames()返回剩余的帧的个数    while( !b_ctrl_c && x264_encoder_delayed_frames( h ) )    {        prev_dts = last_dts;				//编码          //注意第3个参数为NULL        i_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, NULL, &last_dts );	/encode_frame()        if( i_frame_size < 0 )        {            b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */            retval = -1;        }        else if( i_frame_size )        {            i_file += i_frame_size;            i_frame_output++;            if( i_frame_output == 1 )                first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;        }		//输出一些统计信息        if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )            i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );    }fail:    if( pts_warning_cnt >= MAX_PTS_WARNING && cli_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG )        x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "%d suppressed nonmonotonic pts warnings\n", pts_warning_cnt-MAX_PTS_WARNING );    /* duration algorithm fails when only 1 frame is output */    if( i_frame_output == 1 )        duration = (double)param->i_fps_den / param->i_fps_num;    else if( b_ctrl_c )        duration = (double)(2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;    else        duration = (double)(2 * largest_pts - second_largest_pts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;		//计时结束    i_end = x264_mdate();    /* Erase progress indicator before printing encoding stats. */    if( opt->b_progress )        fprintf( stderr, "                                                                               \r" );    if( h )        x264_encoder_close( h );	/x264_encoder_close():关闭编码器    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );    if( b_ctrl_c )        fprintf( stderr, "aborted at input frame %d, output frame %d\n", opt->i_seek + i_frame, i_frame_output );		//关闭输出文件    cli_output.close_file( opt->hout, largest_pts, second_largest_pts );    opt->hout = NULL;    if( i_frame_output > 0 )    {        double fps = (double)i_frame_output * (double)1000000 /                     (double)( i_end - i_start );        fprintf( stderr, "encoded %d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s\n", i_frame_output, fps,                 (double) i_file * 8 / ( 1000 * duration ) );    }    return retval;}

/************====== 编码函数 ======************//*功能:encode_frame()内部调用x264_encoder_encode()完成编码工作,      调用输出格式对应cli_output_t结构体的write_frame()完成了输出工作。*/static int encode_frame( x264_t *h, hnd_t hout, x264_picture_t *pic, int64_t *last_dts ){    x264_picture_t pic_out;    x264_nal_t *nal;    int i_nal;    int i_frame_size = 0;	//编码API      //编码x264_picture_t为x264_nal_t    i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode( h, &nal, &i_nal, pic, &pic_out );	//x264_encoder_encode()    FAIL_IF_ERROR( i_frame_size < 0, "x264_encoder_encode failed\n" );    if( i_frame_size )    {        //通过cli_output_t中的方法输出          //输出raw H.264流的话,等同于直接fwrite()          //其他封装格式,则还需进行一定的封装		i_frame_size = cli_output.write_frame( hout, nal[0].p_payload, i_frame_size, &pic_out );        *last_dts = pic_out.i_dts;    }    return i_frame_size;}
























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